Supply Lists
Supply List for Kindergarten and First Grades
Please label the following with the student's name: book bag, lunch box, folders, primary lined journal, clothes, and headphones.
- Book bag
- Scissors
- 12 glue sticks
- 1 primary lined journal
- 2 sturdy plastic folders with pockets
- 2 boxes of colored pencils
- 3 boxes of tissues
- A change of clothes
- Headphones (no ear buds please)
- 2 boxes of washable markers
- 2 Pink Pearl erasers
- 2 packs of index cards
- Water bottle
- Last names A–L: box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
- Last names M–Z: box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
Supply List for Second Grade
Please label the following with the student's name: book bag, lunch box, folders, scissors, composition books, pencil boxes, binders, clothes, and headphones.
- Book bag
- Pencil box
- 36 #2 pencils
- Scissors
- 2 packs of colored pencils
- 6 glue sticks
- 4 plastic folders with pockets and prongs
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division flash cards
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 2 packages of wide-ruled notebook paper
- 1 pack of chisel tip Expo dry erase markers (4 colors)
- 1 pack of fine tip dry erase markers (4 colors)
- 2 primary composition books with dotted center lines
- 1 half-inch white view binder
- 1 half-inch black view binder
- headphones
- pencil-top erasers and 2 Pink Pearl erasers
- 1 four-pack of thin highlighters with 4 colors
- 4 book covers
- 1 pack of 4×6 colored index cards
- ruler with inches and centimeters
- Water bottle
- 1 roll of scotch tape
- Last names A–L: box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
- Last names M–Z: box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
Supply List for Third Grade
Please label the following with the student's name: book bag, lunch box, folders, scissors, composition books, pencil boxes, binders, clothes, and headphones.
- Book bag
- 48 #2 pencils
- 2 Pink Pearl erasers
- Scissors
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 1 pack of crayons, 24 pack
- 6 glue sticks
- 4 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- 2 composition books
- 3 plastic pocket folders with prongs
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division flashcards
- 3 boxes of tissues
- Last names A–L: 1 package of wide-ruled notebook paper
- Last names M–Z: 1 package of graphing paper
- 2 packs of Expo dry erase markers (1 thin, 1 thick)
- Last names A–L: box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
- Last names M–Z: box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
- 1 1-inch binder
- 3-ring zipper pencil pouch
- 1 roll of Scotch tape
- 3 book covers
- Headphones
- Water bottle
- Student planner (families are encouraged to purchase from the school)
Supply List for Fourth Grade
Please label the following with the student's name: book bag, lunch box, folders, scissors, composition books, pencil boxes, binders, clothes, and headphones.
- Book bag
- 48 #2 pencils
- 24 pack Colored pencils
- scissors
- 2 Pink Pearl erasers
- 2 packs of Expo dry erase markers (1 thin, 1 thick)
- erasable black pens
- 400 lined index cards
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 3 book covers (9″ × 11″)
- 4 composition books
- loose leaf wide ruled paper
- loose leaf graph paper
- 3-ring zipper pencil pouch
- pencil sharpener with dome to collect pencil shavings
- 3-ring zipper binder
- 1 set of 8 dividers
- 4 plastic pocket folders with prongs
- 1 set of multiplication and division flashcards
- Protractor and ruler (for home use)
- 3 highlighters
- 6 pack of glue sticks
- Headphones
- Water bottle
- Student planner (families are encouraged to purchase from the school)
Supply List for Fifth Grade
Please label the following with the student's name: book bag, lunch box, folders, scissors, composition books, pencil boxes, binders, clothes, and headphones.
- Book bag
- 48 #2 pencils
- 24 pack Colored pencils
- scissors
- 1 roll of Scotch tape
- 2 packs of Expo dry erase markers (1 thin, 1 thick)
- erasable black pens
- 400 flashcards
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 2 book covers
- 5 composition books
- loose leaf wide ruled paper
- loose leaf graph paper
- pencil box
- pencil sharpener with dome to collect pencil shavings
- 3-ring zipper binder
- 1 set of 8 dividers
- 4 plastic pocket folders with prongs
- 1 set of multiplication and division flashcards
- Protractor and ruler (for home use)
- 3 highlighters
- 6 pack of glue sticks
- Headphones
- Water bottle
- Student planner (families are encouraged to purchase from the school)
Supply List for Middle School
- Book bag
- 3-ring zippered binder
- 2 sets of dividers for binder
- 48 #2 pencils
- Colored pencils
- Package of blue or black erasable pens
- 2 pencil sharpeners with domes
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 5 packages of wide-ruled notebook paper
- Loose-leaf graph paper
- Protractor
- Highlighter
- 1 package of dry erase markers (standard size)
- Bible preferably the NIV, ESV, NKJ, or NASB translation. Do not bring a paraphrase such as the Message or New Living Bible.
- index cards
- Headphones
- Dictionary
- 1 graph-ruled composition notebook
- Water bottle
- Scientific calculator
- 5-subject spiral notebook